Norwich and District 

Museum and Archives

School Programs

"Long Ago, But Not Too Far Away..."
Half-day Rural Heritage Programs in the Heart of the Country

Cost of all programs $5.00 per student with a minimum of 15 students per class. Teachers and helpers are free of charge. All programs are half-day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a lunch break on site.

Early settlement: Life in the clearings
Life in the Clearings education programExplore the early settlement of Ontario by focusing on the pioneer era in Oxford County. Spend time in one of Norwich Township's first pioneer homes, visit a settler's hearth, experiment with early recipes and build a model log home. Demonstrations may include spinning and weaving and watching iron being forged in out blacksmith shop. 


Early Settlement, Traditions and Celebrations: Home For The Holidays
Home for the Holidays education programExperience the pleasures and pastimes of the Christmas season in times gone by, and discover the realities of life in the cold winters of early Ontario. Build a model log cabin, visit a settler's hearth and spend time in the general store where we discover the differences between homemade and "store-bought" gifts. Learn about holiday festivities and taste some of the special ingredients used by Ontario's early settlers. Make sure to try out the museum's collection of early toys, puzzles and games.

The Underground Railway: Following The Drinking Gourd

Learn about the Underground Railroad and Black Settlement in the Township of Norwich during the 19th century. The efforts of Norwich area Quakers helped many Blacks arrive safely in Canada. Quakers believed than men, women and people of colour were equal. In the years prior to the American Civil War, the Township of Norwich was the "end of the line" for many former slaves travelling via the Underground Railway. Explore the realities of escaping slavery and traveling north to freedom, uncover the secret messages used along the Underground Railroad, and learn what life was like for the former slaves who settled in the Township of Norwich

British North America, Conflict & Change: A Hot Bed Of Treason
In this program, students learn about the raids and the mill burnings that brought the War of 1812 home to the citizens of Oxford and Norfolk Counties.  We move on to explore the roots and repercussions of the Rebellion of 1837 focusing largely on local involvement, including the Quaker role in the Rebellion.

GRADE 10 Canadian History in the 20th Century: Oxford County
This program has students examine the effects of important events and individuals from 1900 to 1939 on the life of those in the Norwich area and in Oxford County.  The following internet links will be of assistance to students: Canadian History in the early 20th Century

Booking Information
All programs must be booked in advance by calling the Norwich Museum at 519-863-3101

Make cheques payable to:
The Norwich & District Historical Society